Wallace Wingate of Dallas Metro Mobile Mechanic, who tried to scam our company and has been making false, derogatory remarks about us.
Here's the unvarnished truth:
Wallace started with our company back in 2023. Initially, he paid for a lead service but was removed because he couldn't effectively answer calls. Despite this, we gave him another chance by switching him to a more affordable and easier to manage plan. However, he never made on-time payments and continued to ignore calls.
After he quit our service and refused to pay his Google Ads balance in June of 2024, we discovered that he had stolen content from our landing site, copying it word for word, including some of our photos. We even have screenshots showing him using our email and phone number on his site before changing them later.
His claims that we didn't provide enough call volume are utterly baseless. We have countless hours of recorded calls and provided him with 2 free landing sites.
During his time with us, we sent him thousands of calls and hundreds of form submissions. Yet, he continues to claim we didn't send him any calls, even leaving bad reviews from him and his supposed wife on one of our marketing partner's Google pages. He never worked with that company, but he still tarnished their good rating with false claims of a scam service.
We have screenshots of him accusing us of calling him a racial slur and making vile threats involving our staff's family members. He even mentioned engaging in acts of pedophilia with an underage minor, which is deeply concerning and disgusting.
It's said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and by plagiarizing our website content, Wallace has inadvertently complimented us. Clearly, our work is good enough to steal, which tells us we must be doing something right.
We also included screenshots of payments from Wallace over a 6-month period. If we really weren't sending leads, do you think he would have continued to pay us for that long?
Anyone questioning whether Wallace received calls from us can see the screenshot proof of the massive amount of calls he got over six months. We're also happy to provide recorded calls from our interactions with Wallace.
Ultimately, Wallace's bad review was removed from our partner's Google page due to the obvious fact that it was a false review, and the other false review will be removed soon as well.
Stealing our content, making false accusations, and threatening our staff's families do not paint the picture of a reputable mechanic service. If you have any questions about Wallace or his claims, we have ample evidence to set the record straight.
This is the false review that Wallace left on our marketing partner google page.
Another false review that Wallace left on our partner google page
This shows calls that we sent Wallace in the last 6 months from our service to prove the client received adequate volume. Reference his phone number in the bottom right for proof.
This is the google ads payments made by Wallace in the last 6 months which proves he received volume.
These are weekly payments made by Wallace for lead service that we provided.
These are weekly payments made by Wallace for lead service that we provided.
This shows his claims that our staff made a racial comment which they did not or surely he would have proof. It also shows the derogatory comments made towards our staffs family.
This is the website Wallace created to copy our landing site. You will see the content is identical as if it was simply copy and pasted from our site.
This photo shows our landing site that we created for Wallace to prove he stole our content.
This photo shows that Wallace is attempting to scam us and google as well as customers by inputting our business info on his website. Reference our email and phone number both being used on his site illegally.
This photo shows that Wallace changed the email and phone number back to his after a period of time.
This shows an indexed meta description in which Wallace used our email as well as our business phone number on his site. Further proof of stealing our business info and content.
This photo shows that Wallace only registered his domain on 6-25-2024.
This photo shows that we registered our domain on 3-16-24.
Wallace Wingate Drivers License which he submitted as authorization to charge his payment methods.
New Update
Wallace is engaging in harassment yet again as you will see in this recent google review that was only posted live for a few hours before google removed it since it is clearly another attempt at slandering our business. Seriously Wallace, you really need to grow up and stop with the 3am google reviews and harassment. It's childish and pathetic.
*Note how the writer of this review from "Jays Account" uses the exact same phrase "Don't Exist" as the review from Wallace Wingate that is posted above here as well. This proves that Wallace Wingate is the one writing these reviews which is also why Google removed it so FAST!
-Nice try Wallace.